Last Wednesday, 22nd of January, our Primary students took part in the traditional Music21 Winter Concert. There was a magnificent programme, carefully directed by Lucía García, our Music21 coordinator. Our young musicians delighted the audience with their professionalism and the quality of their musical interpretation.
At 2pm, Marek Dabrowski, our Music & Performance Leader, welcomed the large audience and the Concert began with the KS2 Cello Ensemble. This was then followed by a chorus of violin interpretations, then came the piano groups from Years 4, 5 and 6, and then, the amazing percussion group, and the KS2 Guitar Ensemble. The Concert finale was from the KS2 orchestra.
The students in Years 2 and 3 also received a standing ovation for their performances. At 3.15pm, the Year 2 Orchestra started to play followed by the piano groups, the Cello Ensemble, and the guitar group from KS1. The close to the Concert came courtesy of our Year 3 Orchestra.
Our Headmistress, Ms Mercedes Hernández Estrada, bid everyone farewell and congratulated all our talented youngsters as well as the great team from the Music Department. Together, they all made sure we enjoyed a great Concert, of the highest musical quality.