We are once again closing out this year, proud of being able to witness the charitable efforts of our students with those who need it most. Caring is one of the School's most fundamental values. Our students understand from an early age how important it is to help others who are less fortunate than themselves, and how this should be part of a Society where nobody should be forgotten about.
We have seen just this with Operation Kilo which took place in our first term. In total almost 2500 items were collected. Products like, cooking oil, rice, preserves, sugar, coffee, Cola Cao, cereals, biscuits, baked goods, personal hygiene products (shampoo, shower gel, etc.), flour, salt, milk, pulses, pasta, tomato sauces and fruit juices.
All the items we collected were then distributed to Caritas and Avanza Charities. With Avanza, we also contributed 744 bars of Christmas nougat, provided by both students and teachers, so that nobody would go without this most representative of festive products.
Caritas is the official federation of social and charitable giving for the Catholic Church. This seeks to promote holistic development amongst people, villages and towns, working with those who are often most poor and most excluded from Society. On their part, Avanza is a non-profit organisation which aims to provide help for families within the Madrid Community, often those living in difficult socio-economic conditions. These are often whole families with little or no prospects of employment or in otherwise precarious working conditions; single mothers responsible for a number of children are often the most typical examples of this. It was started in 2002 and it has been steadily extending its reach over these last few years.