In February, to commemorate the International Year of Women in Science, we organised a visit from our ex-student Patricia Contreras. She visited the School to meet our Year 12 students taking their Science Baccalaureate course. Patricia is currently part of a quantum mechanics research group and she managed to seduce our students with her “stories about cats (in reference to Schrödinger´s cat) and quantum computers”.
Shrödinger´s cat is the most famous cat in the History of Science. According to this paradox, the cat in the box can be alive and dead at the same time. This only becomes clear when somebody opens the box and looks inside. Researchers use this paradox to explain quantum mechanics which looks to build faster and more effective computers. Patricia explained how the development of quantum computing will revolutionize communication and cyber security, well beyond the limits of current technology.
Patricia has had a brilliant academic and professional career so far. As well as being a researcher, she is also the co-founder of the international group, BYMAT, “Bringing Young Mathematicians Together”. Its goals are to empower this group of young mathematicians, to develop links between universities and businesses, to highlight the role of women in Science and to promote scientific knowledge. And to do so, by offering talks and conferences to awaken the interest of future mathematicians.
Thank you Patricia. Being able to count on your support is a privilege and the best way of highlighting the work of women in Science.