An architect's drawing of the completed building work

British Council

For several years we have been remodelling and improving our facilities. Our pupils are unique, our educational offer is unique, our teachers are unique and we want to provide a unique environment for them all to thrive in. We want to create the best school in the world!

What improvements are we making?

Our current improvement plan started in 2010 and includes the following:

  • construction of the new Biblioteca del Británico
  • spacious corridors and much improved traffic flows and accessibility all over the campus 
  • a higher education office where pupils can plan their university careers 
  • optimisation of the administrative area
  • creation of convenient reception facilities for visiting parents
  • much needed IT, communications, air conditioning and ventilation work.

This work has been planned so that it will have the least possible impact on our teaching activity.

Where has the investment come from?

The work is part of the British Council’s global investment programme. The British Council operates in over 100 countries and invests in many different activities like arts, science and education programmes and English language teaching centres. We are the only British Council school and have secured significant investment in recent years. 

Find out more about the British Council in Spain.