The Wellbeing Hub has compiled some resources to provide support and guidance during this time of confinament. Guides for families, children's stories and tips for parents and children are available in the following documents.

We want to share also links to different institutions and activities:

Physical health

  • Childline offers concrete activities and games to play with the aim to support emotionally children  

 Emotional Wellbeing


  •  Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline

Cyber World Advices

 The University of Comillas has shared this survey that customizes recommendations based on your responses: 

Recommended websites: Tips to confront these days of confinement 

(In Spanish):

Conciliar el sueño:

Posibles dificultades del sueño y pautas de mejoras

Normas y Límites para niños:

Autonomía y Responsabilidad:
La demanda de querer salir a la calle por parte de los menores:

Confinamiento y emociones en las familias: