By Teresa Gomez, Communications and Marketing

02 November 2015 - 15:43

At the BCS we aim to develop our students’ social and moral awareness, and an attitude of support towards those less fortunate or in need. We are proud to say that yet again we have been surprised by the spirit of solidarity amongst our students when presented with opportunities to help others. This year, for Red Cross Day, British Council students collected 3.322,55€. All proceeds will be spent on Red Cross Projects to help refugees in Europe.

Cruz Roja Española  have launched an emergency appeal to address the humanitarian needs of the refugees and asylum seekers who are fleeing from conflict in their countries of origin in search of somewhere safe and secure to start a new life in peace. Our students held a ‘non-uniform day’, and donated a euro to attend school in their own choice of clothes. Thanks to the support and participation of so many of our students, Cruz Roja Española have received a generous contribution towards their appeal.