During the first week of March, parents were able to enjoy open access to several days of Ballet. This was a fantastic oportunity to see how their children are progressing in this area.
The various sessions were organised by class in the Ballet room. During the morning we had the groups from Primary and in the afternoon, came those from Secondary.
As always happens when you have an open door policy, the event was very well attended. On their part, our girls and boys once again showed that they had great technical skills and that they also had a strong ability to perform professionally in public. The children's exercises and choreography were clapped most enthusiastically.
Dance is one of the oldest disciplines at the School and we consider it very important in contributing to the student's personal, physical and social wellbeing. Dance has been taught at the School for over 30 years using a co-educational programme at all age groups. Students can also choose to study Dance at IGCSE level. It is also offered as an extra-curricular programme because it is one of the most popular activities, with more than 150 students, between the ages of 3 and 18, practising weekly.