Understanding the options one has available, is one of the keys to opening the door to future opportunities. Pam O´Brian our Head of Secondary understands this well. She has organised a series of informative talks for Year 10, 11 and 12 parents so that they can get a better understanding of the Bilingual Baccalaureate BiBac® programme offered by the British Council School. It provides students with a wide range of possibilities.
This September, we will also be publishing a video and an information booklet which will outline the key points and the main advantages of this academic programme. https://www.britishcouncilschool.es/programa-educativo/bibac
BiBac® is a unique programme, exclusive to the British Council School. It combines the best of both British and Spanish education systems. It allows students to gain access to any University in the world and helps them to choose a degree which best fits their academic and personal profile. One which will allow them to fulfill their future dreams. BiBac´s® main objective is to ensure that, students finishing their Secondary education have the best opportunities to study what they want, in whatever university they choose and in whichever country that is. They should be well prepared, both from an academic as well as a humanist point of view.
Over the two year programme, students receive advice and guidance from their teachers and from our “University Guidance Counsellors Team”. They fully understand entrance requirements at the best Universities worldwide. As well as academic learning, we also use our Clubs to develop practical skills and other values. Universities are no longer content with just good marks; they also value and look for these other non-academic qualities. Leadership, team-working, initiatives, speaking in public, are some of those abilities which we promote through our Clubs.
This is precisely what makes BiBac® different from other education programmes. It is a supracurriculum, with different Clubs and training in different languages. When they finish their BiBac®, our multilingual students will speak English, Spanish and French and if they choose to German and Chinese as well. This is a key advantage over other candidates. BiBac® offers a whole series of options to meet the challenges of a University degree, and helps students in taking those first steps towards a successful future career.
Don´t forget to watch our video!