The British Council School believes that Art is a key element in the creative development of our students. That´s why we encourage our pupils to build their practical skills, to learn new techniques and to express their emotions through Art. A very good way of developing their passion is to get them out of the classroom, to appreciate Art up close and in a personal way. Earlier this month, our students in Year 6 did just this. They got closer to three Spanish geniuses in contemporary Art at the Reina Sofia Museum, Picasso, Miró and Dalí.
The beginning of the 20th Century brings with it big changes in the world of Art. Painters start to experiment and abandon the need to imitate Nature and instead, focus on the language of different forms and colours. The visit allowed our students to get a better understanding of the lives and works of these three great Spanish artists, who began to portray the world in this new way.
Accompanied by expert guides from the Mirarte company, our students visited the Reina Sofia Museum and were able to see some of Picasso, Miró and Dalí´s, most famous works. They understood the differences between abstract and figurative Art in both sculpture and painting. They also learned about some of the different materials and techniques which the artists used.
The visit was preceded by classroom workshops before visiting the museum. And the whole thing was rounded off by another creative workshop when they returned to School. Students enjoyed making surreal portraits, mixing up eyes, noses and mouths with different geometric shapes. The result was an art gallery full of very amusing portraits, inspired by these three great artists.
MirArte Arte para todos S.L. Is a company which provides cultural services. With more than 15 years´ experience, they specialise in education programmes in cultural and artistic areas. They design and develop all kinds of educational activities with the aim of bringing different kinds of content closer to school children and their families. They do so in a very original way, catering for different age groups. They bring together fun and education and promote discovery, observation, communication and experimentation. They enable audiences to better appreciate, understand and enjoy Art and our own cultural heritage.