Principles and Aims

The British Council School has high expectations of its pupils academically, socially and morally not only within the context of the school but within wider society. We strive to provide a caring ethos where everyone in the educational community feels safe, confident, valued and respected, by promoting an environment where everyone lives and works together in a supportive way enabling all to reach their full potential.

We are committed to working in partnership with our parents and pupils to create an environment in line with our school aims and ethos where pupils feel safe, secure and happy, and are able to maximise their learning opportunities. We promote a positive ethos that encourages and reinforces good behaviour and the fostering of positive attitudes.

Pupils are expected to strive to demonstrate the school’s values through their behaviour.

In the Early Years, six Golden Rules guide our youngest pupils’ behaviours:

  1. Listen
  2. Try Your Best
  3. Be Kind
  4. Be Gentle
  5. Look After Things
  6. Be Honest

The primary purpose of this policy is to promote good behaviour providing a consistent approach to behaviour management and to summarise the roles and responsibilities of different members of the educational community with regards to behaviour management. The British Council School has clear school rules and a code of conduct which must be adhered to. We believe that having high expectations of the whole school community and being good role models promotes positive behaviour.

This document sets out the expectations for behaviour at the British Council School. It sets out how positive behaviour is rewarded as well as procedures for dealing with poor or unacceptable behaviour.

Targets and Outcomes:

Pupils will reach their full potential in a safe and caring environment where they feel confident, safe, valued and respected. They will know their rights and responsibilities as members of the school community and demonstrate the 5 school values through their actions.

We aim to encourage good choices, promote good habits and help pupils develop good attitudes. We also aim to correct poor choices, sanction bad habits and help pupils to reshape bad attitudes.

Reviewed July 2024

School families and staff can read the full policy on the School Community Site.

See also