Principles and Aims

At the British Council School, we aim to provide pupils with the skills, competencies, values, knowledge, behaviours and attitudes which enable them to succeed in the next stage of their education and later in the world of work. Our pupils will move to the next stage of their education in countries where English, Spanish or other European languages are the first languages.

We aim to:

  • give pupils access to curricular and supra-curricular opportunities which offer them practical opportunities to develop skills and competencies.
  • embed careers education throughout the school recognising that the creation of career aspiration begins when a pupil starts school. This will build in intensity as pupils move through the school with a comprehensive careers plan being embedded into the curriculum from Year 7 onwards.
  • embed careers knowledge into subject curricula.
  • support all staff in understanding their role in supporting students in the area of careers.
  • ensure that comprehensive careers information is available and visible around school and on the school’s website and community site, so that pupils and parents/guardians have access to a full range of guidance and development pathways.
  • actively encourage and inspire young people to take ownership of their career plans and to consider all options available to them. We want them to be able to select the best way forward considering their interests, motivations, learning styles, abilities and aspirations.

Targets and Outcomes

An embedded programme of career education and guidance that is communicated, known and understood by pupils, parents, and staff.

The school meets the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Reviewed September 2024

School families and staff can read the full policy on the School Community Site.